Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pakatan rakyat’s brittle shell cracks...

The fissures in PR will soon become open sores. PR is a marriage of convenience between three alien political parties with very different political base and even more different political objectives. We see the three parties as follows:

1. DAP is virtually a Chinese Based party trying without too much success for the last 40 years to project itself as a multiracial party and promote Malaysian Malaysia. It has, however, been a good Opposition especially when led by LKY and now by Guan Eng and in between the indomitable Karpal Singh sits to lend his voice to DAP's cause. It remains to be seen how far they could prove to the perceived dominance of the Malay population that they are multiracial both in talking and actually practising what they say. They could hit the jackpot if they do actually.

2. PKR after the PRU has emerged to be a multiracial party but is too much dominated by one man, Anwar Ibrahim. PKR's only objective is to crown Anwar as Prime Minister and nothing beyond that.

3.PAS is a Muslim based party with real objectives of ruling the country the Islamic way. But to the non-Malays, in Malaysia, however, Muslim=Malay, so PAS is actually a Malay based party whose real support comes from the Malays. So its a no brainer that they will ensure that the Malays(Muslims) comes first above anything else.

The DAP,PKR,PAS union is held by Anwar's promise that he will lead them to form the next Government after the 12th GE. Since the promise cannot now be kept the glue that is holding Pakatan Rakyat together will slowly but surely melt. The events unfolding in Selangor is only the tip of the iceberg, I do not see a future for Pakatan Rakyat where it will be able to rule the country inspite of the perceived weakness of the ruling Barisan Nasional led by UMNO.

With the departure of Pak Lah from the political scene, PR must expect a no holds barred onslaught to break up the union by a rejuvenated UMNO and BN all the way until the next 13 GE. Wither Pakatan Rakyat? Only time will tell.

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